Throw Voice is a dragon shout that causes the shout to be heard from the point on a surface the player is targeting. Enemies will often go investigate the sound, allowing it to be used as a distraction. The shout has a limited range, and only fools those who have not spotted you.
All three levels of the shout are identical in effect. Aside from allowing the player to bypass game glitches getting stuck in random locations, for instance , Wuld Nah Kest allows passage through dangerous locales without taking much damage, one of them being Draugr dungeons filled with hallways protected by swinging blades.
In general, the Whirlwind Sprint has a range of applications, from bypassing the carried weight limit to escaping perilous situations in order to recover before dying. Kyne's Peace is theoretically great, considering it helps relax hostile animals in the vicinity of the Dragonborn consequently allowing the player to run away without having to kill them.
This is only relevant if one is trying to play a moral character, which is an oxymoronic concept in Skyrim considering all the other incredibly unethical things the Dragonborn does. The role that Kaan Drem Ov plays in the game is outweighed by the benefits of using literally any other Shout in its place.
Strun Bah Qo is a tough Shout to learn, as the Word Walls required to complete the incantation are rather difficult to locate , but the overwhelming power that results from using it makes the whole journey worthwhile.
It seems that the lightning bolts generated by Storm Call make no distinction between friends, enemies, and neutral characters, striking everyone down with casual abandon. However, this just means that it is not prudent to use the Shout in towns or cities, but as long as there are only antagonists around, it offers an incredible advantage.
Clear Skies is definitely worth learning, and it is a crucial part of the mission to access the Throat of the World from High Hrothgar, but aside from this, there is no added profit, except, perhaps, the aesthetic outcome it provides.
In fact, the effects of Lok Vah Koor are greatly limited to the point that it just seems like a diluted version of Fus Ro Dah, made worse by the fact that it is only significant when used in the open air. Also, there are several locations in the game where this Shout has zero results, for example in the eternal snowstorm of Winterhold.
This Shout isn't absolutely essential, to be very honest, but the efficiency with which it brings Dragons down from the sky, so the player can attack them directly, cannot be denied. Apparently, Dragonrend forces the Dragons to experience the bizarre concept of mortality, which is so different from their naturally undying state that it staggers them into temporary confusion.
Another advantage is that Joor Zah Frul can be used to block the Dragons from completing their own Shouts, which is probably why it is granted the honorific, "Alduin's Bane. First of all, the Call of Valor is only received after the death of Alduin and the end of the main quest, at which point the Dragonborn is usually powerful enough to not really need the extra help in combat.
And, if they did, they could probably call on Dremoras, Atronachs, Followers, and so on. Originally posted by Eternie :. Well do a test, remove the CC free mudcrab and see if your games shout works. If so either start a new game or load a save from before you added that mod. Or check your mods for conflicts.
Originally posted by Grubfist :. Hence the name Legendary as that includes all DLC. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 28 Mar, am. Throw Voice doesn't do anything to attract the enemy's attention at all. It doesn't just have a "higher noise ratio" where you yell it, your character is literally considered silent for the purposes of the spell.
Does you character whisper the shout, or yell it like the others? Because Throw Voice should be whispered. Socran's Razor: "Never attribute to massive stupidity by someone else, what could be explained by a tiny bit of stupidity on your own part.
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I've tried it in towns and near creatures and it doesn't seem to work. My character does the shout and everything but doesn't say any of the insults or anything in english and it also doesn't draw anything's attention.