I dont know can you

Serenity Carr , Assistant Editor. Why do we say "did you know" rather than "do you know"? Did you know Jeff's sister just got married? Did you know there was a parade last weekend? Did you know the Smith's are selling their house? Do you know where the nearest mall is? Do you know if the Smith's are selling their house?

I hope this helps. Vocabulary Quiz. Take the Quiz ». In the physical world the laws of physics provide us a fairly predictable indicator of what will happen if you place a brick on a stable flat surface and as a result we are pretty good at constructing bridges and buildings of immense size and complexity. You and I have different beliefs, different life experiences and different social and cultural environments. We think differently and as a result we will often behave differently. We are all unique.

We are not bricks. Whenever we are making decisions we are dealing with the future. The decisions we make today do not impact our past, only the future, be it one minute, one year or ten years from now. Further, money, investments and financial arrangements are not a natural occurrence. They are man-made concepts some may say fictions and consequently they are impacted by human behavior and cannot be considered irrefutable laws of nature, such as gravity.

We take it as fact that the amount in our bank account means we actually have that amount of currency. People from the second group bought toys for their relatives, edible gifts or gave money to homeless people in the street. Then the researchers asked each participant to rate their mood. What mattered was who they spent their money on.

The people who had spent it on someone else felt significantly happier than those who treated themselves. This is just one of many studies which has found that acting kindly can improve your wellbeing. In a meta-analysis Oliver Scott Curry at the University of Oxford found that behaving kindly can have a small to medium effect on our wellbeing.

These parts of the brain become active and motivate us to do them again and again. Kind acts can have a ripple effect. Just hearing that someone else has behaved kindly can motivate us to do the same. In a now classic study of social norms by Robert Cialdini and his colleagues, when a notice in a hotel bathroom told people that the majority of guests choose to reuse their towels, the more likely they were to be kind to the planet and keep their towels instead of having them replaced with fresh ones.

Shoppers who bought something for others felt better afterwards compared with those who bought for themselves Credit: Getty Images.

Many different lab studies have found that people "pay it forward", if they receive kindness they are then kinder to others. For example in a study by Monica Bartlett back in , people were asked to complete a dull task on a computer before it was "accidentally" unplugged. For some participants, a stooge would kindly sort out the problem for them, saving them from wasting time starting all over again. The other half of the participants were shown a funny film instead.

Those on the receiving end of kindness were more likely to agree to help the experimenters by taking part in another study. It should be noted that later research has shown that paying it forward isn't always positive. Greed, as well as kindness , can be paid forward to complete strangers too.

When students who experience social anxiety were asked to perform acts of kindness for four weeks, such as doing their roommate's washing up or donating to charity, their social anxiety and desire to avoid social situations was reduced , compared with a group who weren't asked to do the kind acts. Jennifer Trew from Simon Fraser University, who conducted the study, believes acting kindly may have helped the students to have more positive expectations about social situations, instead of dreading them.

It was notable that the biggest effect was at the start. Toddlers are of course famous for their tantrums. We tend to assume that at such a young age they can never understand another's perspective. I prefer [nickname] over [full name]! If someone hits me, they will get hit back! I like to talk a lot and I can be lazy at times. I will always give the best of me no matter what and I am very hard working. I am talkative. I love to write about basically anything. I love entertainment.

I always have a comment. I always try my best and I set high standards for myself. You should not yell at me. My favorite subject is math. I love to go shopping. I like to play sports and do all of my homework. I am very shy and I am kinda nice.

I like vacation. I can be outspoken. I like to draw and read. I have very serious headaches and when that happens I tend to vomit the rest of the day. I like English. I like fashion, like to talk, love English.

I am person who is easily distracted. I need to improve my vocabulary. I have asthma.


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