What is the difference between agave and sugar

Sugar is an important part of a balanced diet. It helps in building a stronger immune system, increasing energy levels, etc. However, we have seen health-conscious people consuming less sugar as it helps to avoid weight gain.

A high level of sugar consumption can lead to diabetes. It can also lead to poor dental health. One needs to consume sugar very consciously in order to maintain good health.

Sugar gives the brain a feeling of pleasure and hence cravings for sugar can increase easily. When we eat food containing sugar our body releases insulin a hormone that helps cells to absorb blood sugar. But when we consume high levels of sugar, the insulin hormone of our body is no longer effective and this leads to high sugar levels in our body.

Over the years we have found sugar alternatives that help to maintain a healthy body as well as satisfy our cravings for sugar intake.

Maple syrup, honey, molasses are some of the alternatives one can replace sugar with. Agave syrup is composed of percent fructose and percent glucose, whereas sugar is composed of equal parts, 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose.

Although fructose has a lower glycemic index than glucose, it has a much higher glycemic load and causes seven times as much cell damage as glucose. This higher fructose content in agave syrup gets broken down in the body differently from glucose, which can ultimately lead to insulin resistance. Because it's "natural" and an alternative to sugar , agave syrup is often thought to be a better substitute and an option for people with or at risk of diabetes.

However, agave syrup is not recommended on account of its high fructose content sometimes even higher than high fructose corn syrup , as mentioned in this video :. Agave syrup is marketed "natural" and relatively healthier than sugar, but is actually just as processed as sugar.

It has slightly fewer calories per grams than sugar as compared to sugar's , but significantly less sugar content 68g to table sugar's g and fewer carbohydrates 76g to table sugar's g. It also has more sodium, potassium and magnesium compared to sugar. While the terms agave syrup and agave nectar are used interchangeably, it is unclear whether they mean the same thing.

While agave nectar is considered the same as agave syrup , there is a small set of people who believe counter-argument that agave nectar is the pure extract from the agave plant, while agave syrup is a processed product with higher fructose. However, all agave is now processed chemically to yield a syrup with high percentage of fructose, and various manufacturers sell it by different generic names; some call it nectar and others call the same thing syrup. The bottom line , however, remains this: Even if the distinction between agave nectar and syrup had at some point been true, manufacturers do not distinguish between the labels "syrup" and "nectar," and a bottle that says Agave Nectar could very well be — and most often is — agave syrup.

Light agave syrup has a mild, almost neutral taste; amber agave syrup has a medium-intensity caramel flavor, and dark agave syrup has a distinct, strong caramel taste. The sweetness of sugar falls somewhere between that of amber and dark agave syrups. Agave syrup is a light to dark amber liquid. Sugar ranges from brown to white, depending on the type and how much it's processed. Now commonly used as an alternative to sugar, honey or maple syrup, agave is a popular replacement for table sugar.

Its taste resembles molasses and, as a rule, the darker the colour, the richer the taste. Agave syrup is about one-and-a-half times sweeter than sugar, which means you can achieve the same sweetness by using less. It works well in chewy bakes like flapjacks, as well as sticky cakes and muffins. For more tips on baking with alternative sweeteners, see our sugar-free baking guide. It therefore does not have a special nutritional profile and only contains small amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Agave contains less glucose and so has a lower glycemic index GI value than table sugar. This means the body absorbs agave more slowly into the bloodstream and as a result does not cause such a rapid spike in insulin.

However, agave contains significantly more fructose than sucrose table sugar. Although this gives it its sweet taste, fructose is metabolised differently from glucose. Whereas glucose is converted into energy by the mitochondria of all cells, fructose is primarily metabolised by the liver. Consuming excessive fructose is thought to put pressure on the liver and may have undesirable effects on the body.

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