You may be able to use your insurance benefits to rent one at no cost. If you decide to use a hospital grade pump, it makes sense to consider the following when deciding whether to rent or buy:.
If you decide to rent a breast pump, you can see if you qualify for it using insurance through Aeroflow Breastpumps. You can also rent a Medela Symphony directly from Medela. What is considered a hospital grade breast pump?
What is the difference between a hospital grade pump and a regular pump? There are a few common differences between hospital grade pumps and personal pumps. Multi-User vs Single User Personal breast pumps are intended to be used by one person even if they are closed system pumps. These pumps effectively stimulate your breasts to adequately raise your levels of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin to increase your breast milk production and output.
While personal use breast pumps are intended for use by only one mother, hospital grade pumps are designed and approved by the FDA to be safe for multiple users.
Hospital grade breastpumps can be used by more than one mom because they are designed with barriers that prevents cross contamination. When multiple moms use a hospital grade breastpump, each mother will need to use her own collection kit.
Hospital grade pumps have stronger, more powerful motors that provide a higher level of suction and more efficient pumping. With so many different products and breast pumps dedicated to helping moms through their breastfeeding journey, it can be difficult to know which items are right for you! And when it comes to hospital strength vs. With specific qualifications for insurance coverage and different features, moms-to-be should take some time to understand the differences between a hospital strength and a hospital grade breast pump.
Read below to learn more with Pumps for Mom! Generally, a hospital grade breast pump is a multi-user device rented to one mom at a time and is designed with special customization options to maximize breast milk expression. Want to find out if a hospital-grade pump would be a good fit for you?
Hospital-grade breast pumps are breast pumps with powerful motors that are typically used in a hospital setting but can also be rented on a monthly basis for personal use. This reduces contamination and makes them safe for multiple users. However, when using a hospital-grade breast pump, each mom still needs her own accessory kit.
A doctor or lactation consultant may recommend a hospital-grade pump for a few different reasons. The most common one is to help moms establish their milk supply. If your baby is born premature, has health issues or has to spend time in the NICU, a hospital-grade breast pump helps your milk come in with enough supply, even if the start of breastfeeding is delayed.
Other reasons these medical-grade pumps might be recommended are for moms with twins, those with lactation issues or those who just need the extra-strength pumping power.
Hospital-grade pumps are more powerful and effective than many personal-use pumps.