What is the difference between nato and the un

It protects the security of its members. In this age of globalization, transatlantic peace is a viable and a worldwide effort that extends beyond the might of military. The assembly solves problems in economy, international relationships, may advise leaders in times of crisis. Key difference : The UN is an international organization which was created to keep the peace between nations and help create international law and cooperation.

NATO is a military and political alliance of different countries which was created to counter Soviet and Communist power. Its system is based on five principal parts: The General Assembly - the main deliberative assembly The Security Council - for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security The Economic and Social Council - for promoting international economic and social co-operation and development The Secretariat - for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN The International Court of Justice - the primary judicial organ This organization won the Nobel Peace Prize in the year Established in October April Objective To keep peace between nations.

To counter soviet and communist power. Characteristics The assembly solves problems in economy, international relationships, may advise leaders in times of crisis. It is a smaller group of nations organized to maintain peace and order in the Atlantic. Image Courtesy: peacewomen. Comments When and by whom was this written? I'm trying to site it properly in APA format. UN refers to the United Nations.

The main difference between these two organizations is that while UN is an organization that facilitates cooperation among the member states in various spheres, NATO is a military alliance. Through this article let us examine the differences between these two organizations.

UN is an international organization that aims at facilitating cooperation in international law , international security, human rights , social progress and the accomplishment of world peace. The purpose of the formation of UN was to stop wars between countries and to prepare the ground for talks. UN has its headquarters in New York. There are member states in the UN. The UN is made up of six organs. They are the council, Secretariat, and International Court of Justice.

Many western leaders saw policies of USSR as threatening. The UN was established on October 24, by countries. The North Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4, by 12 independent nations. Membership is similar in that the members are countries. Those countries are also members to the UN.

The membership between UN is open to all peace loving states that are able and willing to carry out the duties required by the charter. Both the Security Council and General Assembly must approve applications. If you violate the UN charter in any way, you may be suspended or expelled.

Article 10 describes the admission procedures for other nations. New members of the alliance will receive all the rights of membership along with obligations also. You don't have to be a member of NATO to NATO has also been involved with the complications in Kosovo.

In October of , NATO threatened air strikes to force the Milosevic regime in Kosovo to withdraw their forces, help bring an end to the violence, and to let the refugees return to their homes. President Milosevic agreed. The next year, after months of continued threats NATO began to bomb Yugoslavia on March 24th , because Milosevic refused to make peace.

The war in Kosovo has killed more than two thousand people and forced more than four hundred thousand from their homes. The United Nations and NATO are two organizations in this world that are working extremely hard to accomplish their goals, one step at a time. Maybe someday, the world will be a peaceful place and well have the United Nations and The North Atlantic Organization to thank for it.

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