Matty New Member. For those who could not, I found the solution. Well I to am having a problem with this quest but it is a little different and has me worried. After exiting the ratways with esbern and my henchman I fast travelled to Riverwood and we all three appeared outside the town as usual. I heard the music change and someone yell "stop thief" and thought we were being attacked but it was an actual thief so I killed the thief. Then my bodyguard "henchman" gifted to me by Whiterun for being a Thane attacks Esbern and the guards get involved.
I run into the Inn to talk to Delphine and they attack me as well. Its a real mess. So I run out of the town and sneak and hide. I tell my bodyguard to wait and go into the Inn alone. I am immediately attacked by Delphine, Esbern and the workers. So I fast travel back to Riften, and upon appearing am immediately attacked by city guards. If Esbern is still missing, try to fast-travel somewhere else and then back to Riverwood. Sometimes, you can just go into a building and he'll automagically teleport to you.
If you are on PC and Esbern is still missing he's annoying , force him along with the console:. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password?
Don't have an account? Sign up for free! Can Esbern fast travel with me? User Info: immapsychic. If he was following you he should have fast travelled with you. He may be at the dungeon or making his way as this mission can be a bit glitchy. If not he probbaly waiting for you at the dungeon. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. So I just got to the point where they needed me to escort esbern outta riften to riverwood, then I just fast traveled to riverwood.
Ive waited four ingame days and he is still not here at riverwood. Please help im on the verge of suicide. Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments. Eternie View Profile View Posts. So don't fast travel