To maintain this momentum, we will continue to provide vital funding to local authorities to prevent homelessness and to support people living in temporary accommodation to move into their own permanent and secure homes. Our goal is to prevent homelessness, and ensure where it does occur that it is rare, brief and unrepeated. Skip to main content. About cookies. First published:. Minister for Climate Change Julie James, who is responsible for housing, said: Throughout the pandemic, we have taken unprecedented steps to tackle homelessness and support people to remain in their homes.
Julie James added: We have made significant steps to reduce homelessness over the course of the pandemic, supporting more than 10, people into accommodation since the beginning of the pandemic. Related Renting a home: coronavirus Tenancy Hardship Grant for private rented sector tenants: coronavirus. First published 30 June Last updated 30 June A full list of uses can be found below.
To be eligible, businesses must be a certified Victorian Aboriginal business through Kinaway Chamber of Commerce Kinaway. You can find out more about the process of certification on the Kinaway website.
Before applying, please read the information provided on this page, including the program guidelines and frequently asked questions FAQs. Applicants must also ensure they have the required documentation before they apply. Read the list of FAQs. This fund is open to Victorian Aboriginal businesses including sole traders and self-employed businesses that meet all of the following criteria:.
Charitable organisations, community organisations, co-operatives and Australian public companies are not eligible for funding under this program. Applicants must provide a copy of their business certification documentation from Kinaway as evidence that the business is an eligible Victorian Aboriginal business.
If the business is not a Kinaway certified business, the applicant will be required to contact Kinaway and complete the certification process before submitting their application for funding under this program.
This evidence can be any of the following:. Before applying, please read the information on this page, including the program guidelines and frequently asked questions FAQs. You must complete certification with Kinaway before submitting your grant application. There is no plan to resolve this dichotomy. The review found genuine progress towards a more coherent approach to supporting independent living across Government departments, particularly in recognising the need for co-ordinated planning locally.
However, there are 'fault-lines' in the continuum of provision and charging for services from accommodation costs, through support and personal care to nursing care.
A pivotal weakness is the way 'personal care' is defined. An important principle in designing policies for independent living is that service users should be left with a reasonable level of disposable income. At present, the levels of disposable income of people in unregistered accommodation vary broadly once services are paid for. Supporting People and the Department of Health DoH review of charging for non-residential social services present an opportunity to address both these anomalies.
The review makes the following proposals for further action:. For this review, Steve Griffiths of Griffiths Research examined relevant policy and research reports over the period of development of the Supporting People Programme. He also undertook interviews and continuing consultation with policy officers of a number of national housing and local government organisations, and with civil servants of the DETR, the DoH, and the DSS.
An overview of the Supporting People Programme Summary Downloads The Programme aims to redirect major funding for services to help people live independently, so that councils and their partners can deliver support services in a more consistent and accountable way. Investigating the opportunities taken, and those so far missed in this process, Steve Griffiths: argues for a redrawing of the boundary between residential care and the Supporting People Programme and a more coherent relationship between Government commitments to foster independent living and to provide personal care.
Steve Griffiths has reviewed the Programme, considering how it strengthens support for independent living or whether there are gaps in the proposed provision: Supporting People provides for unregistered rather than registered accommodation. Past decisions about whether accommodation is registered have often been based on financial reasons rather than people's needs.
The new Care Standards Commission may oblige the Government to address the anomalies surrounding the two spheres of provision.
This inevitably limits people's ability to exercise choice and control over their lives. Levels of disposable income for people in unregistered accommodation vary significantly once services are paid for. At present there is no set way of relating what people pay for services, and any other costs relating to their disability, to their disposable income. However, there is some concern that weaknesses in central guidance and support and in local administration could have serious implications for the Programme's future budget.
The Supporting People Programme may create a new stream of charging and means-testing. Among others, this could affect the many thousands of sheltered housing tenants whose rent at present includes often quite small charges for warden services. There is a danger of confusing users and creating administrative duplication in charging and collection. The researcher suggests that, if independent living is to be fully promoted, further work is needed on: breaking the link between registration and its financial consequences; co-ordinating charges in a way that ensures users' disposable income is not pushed below acceptable levels; abolishing support charges for temporary provision; and establishing a common approach to the treatment of disability benefits.
Background From , the Government's Supporting People Programme will reorganise some of the ways in which vulnerable people are currently helped to live in the community.
While evaluating individual changes in relation to the aspirations of Supporting People, the review has tried to assess: how far the Government has progressed in creating a policy framework to support and encourage independent living; where elements of that framework still work against the overall aim; and what changes the Government can make to achieve coherent progress towards its objectives.
Personal care and a disposable income Where 'personal care' is provided as an integral part of residential provision, accommodation has to be registered as a residential care home.