Related Quests : written by Legoless. S'krivva's House is located in the north of Bravil , just inside the city gates. It belongs to S'krivva , a Doyen of the Thieves Guild. It is a ground floor house visible just to the right as you enter the city. I swear, the new recruits are getting worse. You are truly an asset to the guild. I will make sure the Gray Fox himself hears about this.
I am promoting you to Prowler. If you managed to kill the wrong person during the quest, a furious S'krivva will demand you pay the blood price before she will speak to you: "Fouled meat! You have returned Ahdarji's ring, but have also broken the covenant of the guild. Killing is not allowed. You are no longer a member of the Thieves Guild until blood price is paid for the lives you took.
Your honor is restored. Your overdue promotion may now be granted. I am promoting you to Prowler in the Thieves Guild. After the success in Leyawiin, S'krivva will now look at you and say: "Ah, the Prowler approaches. Gold is the blood of the Thieves Guild. Keep the fences busy and rich. Then come to see me. After you have fenced stolen goods for gold, she will be more welcoming and hand you the quest Misdirection.
The guild will even pay a reward. Imperial Watch guards from all over the city prowl the streets. Hieronymus Lex has vowed not to leave until the Gray Fox is in custody. The Fox is safe, but the Thieves Guild cannot do business like this.
The poor of the Waterfront are kindred to the Gray Fox, and will not betray him. However, cubs soon get hungry. Soon someone will break. Many guild members could be jailed. Find Methredhel in the Imperial City. She is co-ordinating the guild's response. I have heard it said that he stole his gray cowl from Nocturnal herself. For the longest time, S'krivva will remain silent in her house in Bravil, at least until you have witnessed a Dremora hand Lex a note from Raminus Polus.
Lex will then start evacuate and Methredhel will tell you to return the Hrormir's Icestaff to the Arcane University.
When all is said and done, she will congratulate, reward, and promote you: "Hieronymus Lex has left the Waterfront? Well done! Methredhel's report tells me that you have done well. You have earned your reward. Congratulations on your new rank. If you failed and shed innocent blood her reaction will be quite different: "Hieronymus Lex is no longer searching on the Waterfront?
This is good. It's too bad you slew innocents to make it happen. The guild turns its back on you until the blood price is paid. Until then, leave my sight.
This one welcomes you back into the guild. I am promoting you to Cat Burglar. With the Waterfront back on track, S'krivva will have the next contract ready, presumed you have fenced at least gold in the Independent Thievery quest: "You must do more to fill the guild's treasury before I can assign you commission jobs.
Seek more loot. Keep the fences busy with your profits. Then we can talk. With gold fenced, S'krivva will hand you the next contract: "I have need of a very special book, the Lost Histories of Tamriel.
The cat burglar Theranis was sent hunting in Skingrad for this book. How do I increase my carry weight with the console? General 1 Answer What is the best bow? Side Quest 7 Answers How do I delete spells? General 2 Answers Is there a way to change your race, hair, name, etc. General 1 Answer How do i unlock all enchanting effects? Side Quest 2 Answers.
Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Keep the fences busy and rich. Then come to see me. I have heard it said that he stole his gray cowl from Nocturnal herself. The guild will even pay a reward. Imperial Watch guards from all over the city prowl the streets.
The Fox is safe, but the Thieves Guild cannot do business like this. The poor of the Waterfront are kindred to the Gray Fox, and will not betray him. However, cubs soon get hungry. Soon someone will break. Many guild members could be jailed. Find Methredhel in the Imperial City. She is co-ordinating the guild's response.
Well done! Methredhel's report tells me that you have done well. You have earned your reward. Congratulations on your new rank.
Seek more loot. Keep the fences busy with your profits. Then we can talk. The cat burglar Theranis was sent hunting in Skingrad for this book. However, Theranis has not been seen since. The Gray Fox himself hunts for this book.
I need you to find Theranis. Help Theranis bring back this book.