Why is the mezuzah affixed at an angle

His grandson, Rabbenu Tam, felt that mezuzot should be affixed horizontally for the sake of tradition, because the scrolls in their leather cases were originally pushed horizontally into the crevices between the stones around the doorways of homes.

Rashi argued that mezuzot should be affixed vertically, in such a way that the top pointed toward the Almighty. They eventually compromised, and agreed that a mezuzah should be hung on the diagonal, with its top inclined toward the inside. The decision, allowing peace to rein in a Jewish home in 12th century France, is part of the message of the mezuzah. The blessing said while hanging a mezuzah :.

Connect to Something Greater. His grandson, Rabbenu Tam, felt that mezuzot should be affixed horizontally for the sake of tradition, because the scrolls in their leather cases were originally pushed horizontally into the crevices between the stones around the doorways of homes.

Why is a mezuzah slanted? What is the proper way to hang a mezuzah? According to halakha, the mezuzah should be placed on the right side of the door or doorpost, in the upper third of the doorpost i. What does the mezuzah symbolize? Jews will often touch the mezuzah as they go through the door. The instruction for this comes from the Torah.

The mezuzah is both a religious amulet and a means to spiritually elevate every entry to and exit from the house. The law calls for a mezuzah to be placed on every doorpost of the home, with the exception of bathrooms and closets. The parchment klaf in Hebrew must be written by hand by a scribe, on animal skin. Can a woman hang a mezuzah? Yes, a woman can and should make the bracha blessing and put up the mezuzah herself.

A mezuzah is a small case affixed to the doorframe of each room in Jewish homes and workplaces which contains a tiny scroll of parchment inscribed with a prayer. It is customary for religious Jews to touch the mezuzah every time they pass through a door and kiss the fingers that touched it. Mezuzah is also one of the only mitzvos that can be observed constantly, even while sleeping. Others disagree with the notion that a mezuzah cannot be affixed with protection as the motivation since this is not the actual reward for fulfilling the mitzvah but a side and natural benefit.

The mezuzah opens up and inside is the Shema prayer, written on a small piece of parchment. The Shema is the most important prayer in Judaism because it reminds Jewish people that there is only one God.

Now if you are on the ball you will ask, "Why Isn't slanting the Mezuzah going against both opinions, thereby not satisfying either one? The reason is that Rashi actually was saying that it is Kosher as long as it is not horizontal and Rabeinu Tam held it was acceptable as long as it was not entirely vertical.

Therefore slanting it satisfies both grandfather and grandson. Of course if you are Sephardic you will continue to affix your Mezuzah straight and just chalk it up to those crazy Ashkenazim. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am really glad that you had such a good experience shopping with us. If you have a moment, please go leave a review on the items that you purchased in the past, so others will be able to make a more educated decision about our products.

The Mezuzah should also be affixed on gates leading to communal places, synagogues, schools, and Jewish ownen business establishments, even on gates of cities, symbolizing the sovereignty of the commandments over the Jewish social and communal life in all its aspects. The exact placement of a Mezuzah is on the right side of the doorpost when entering the home or room , on the lower part of the upper third of the doorpost or around shoulder height for high doorways.

The case should be permanently affixed with nails, screws, glue, or strong double-sided tape. The Mezuzah is affixed at an angle becasue the rabbis could not decide whether it should be placed horizontally or vertically, so they compromised. The top of the Mezuzah should be slanted toward the room the door opens into. Mezuzah Scroll It is proper to remove a Mezuzah when you move, and in fact, it is usually recommended.

If you leave it in place, the subsequent owner may treat it with disrespect. For the Mezuzah to be Kosher, it must meet the following criteria: The Mezuzah must contain a scroll The scroll must be hand written by a certified God fearing scribe Sofer with special black ink and quill on one piece of specially prepared and scored parchment The scroll may not contain mistakes or additions to its text.

Any mistake, even one letter that was written incorrectly, would render the scroll, and the Mezuzah invalid pasul. The Mezuzah must be affixed to the right side doorpost on an angle A small ceremony, calld Channukat Ha-Bayit dedication of the house was done The biblical source for the Mitzvah of Mezuzah The Bibical source of the mitzvah of mezuzah is found twice in Deuteronomy Devarim , chapter 6, in the paragraph of Shema Yisroel and Chapter 9, in the paragragh of Vehaya Im Shamoa


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