Suddenly, over the public address system, the Captain announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am afraid I have some very bad news. Our engines have ceased functioning, and this plane will be going down in a few minutes time. The good news is that I can see an island below us that should be able to accommodate our landing. The bad news is that this island appears to be uncharted - I am unable to find it on our maps. So the odds are that we will never be rescued and will have to live on the island for a very long time, if not for the rest of our lives.
They'll find us for sure! Q: What's the difference between a Catholic wife and a Jewish wife? A: A Catholic wife has real orgasms and fake jewelry.
Guy gets pulled over in his car by a pair of dudes in balaclavas, pointing guns in his face. Terrorist menacing voice : "Are you a Catholic or a Protestant? Driver: "Neither, actually. In fact I'm Jewish. Q: What is the difference between a Jew and a boy scout?
A: the boy Scott gets to go home after camp. A young fellow went to a Jewish Doctor and told the doctor he was worried because he could not get an erection. Whereupon the doctor told him to eat Jewish Rye Bread. The Baker said "25 Loaves? It will get hard before you get rid of it.
An elderly rabbi was once on an airplane to Israel sitting next to a self-professed atheist. A: Two jews fighting over a penny. More jokes about: jewish , money , racist.
A Jewish man walks into a bar and sits down. He has a few drinks, then he sees a Chinese man and punches him in the face. Then, the Chinese man walks up to the Jewish man and punches him in the face. More jokes about: alcohol , bar , jewish , racist. Hitler calls a meeting of his best soldiers and commanders and tells them "Alright I want to order the assassination of one thousand jews and four hedgehogs.
Mein furhur why four hedgehogs? More jokes about: Hitler , jewish , racist. Are you crazy? I'm gonna do it. The friend says "well, did you get the money? More jokes about: catholic , church , jewish , money , racist. In the winter of , Thelma Goldstein from Chicago treated herself to her first real vacation in Florida. Being unfamiliar with the area, she wandered into a restricted hotel in North Miami. No Jews allowed. I happen to be Catholic.