This happens all too often among people who have an alcohol problem as alcohol use disorder is something that causes a lack of vitamin B1. This problem occurs when two different conditions, Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome, happen concurrently. Both of these problems are due to brain damage that is caused by a lack of vitamin B1. Wernicke Encephalopathy is a neurological condition that can be a life-threatening illness that affects the central nervous system.
It is a degenerative brain disorder that can result from alcohol abuse, dietary deficiencies, prolonged vomiting, eating disorders, and more. Symptoms for this problem include mental confusion, vision problems, coma, hypothermia, low blood pressure, and more. Unfortunately for those who deal with Wernicke Encephalopathy, Korsakoff Syndrome is one residual effect of this problem. The problem is characterized by global amnesia and cognitive and behavioral dysfunction.
Other symptoms include loss of memory, hallucinations, and more. The good news is that those who suffer from wet brain syndrome do not always experience all associated symptoms. Symptoms directly related to thiamine deficiency will begin to reverse with proper medical care.
Severe brain damage will be harder to treat, so those who enter residential detox in the initial stages of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome may wish to choose a dual diagnosis facility with experience treating mental disorders. Not drinking or drinking in moderation and getting enough nutrition significantly reduce the risk of getting Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
If a heavy drinker does not quit, thiamine supplements and a good diet may reduce the chance of getting this condition, but it does not eliminate the risk. How much alcoholic content is in my drink? If you or a loved one has a problem with alcohol use and may even have an alcohol use disorder, there are a number of strategies and things that you can implement in your life to work and change your ability to no longer be dependent or rely upon alcohol.
One simple way that you can realize just how much your drinking is affecting you and how much you are drinking is to just keep track of how much you are drinking. It is easy to keep a small card in your wallet and write down how much you are drinking and how often.
Moreover, keeping a check mark on a calendar or writing them down in your phone can help you realize just how much you are drinking. Keeping track of these will help you slow down when you need to. After tracking how much you have been drinking, you should then move on to decide how many days a week that you want to drink and how much you will drink on those days.
When you set these goals, it may be best to verbalize them to another person or group of people. Telling people can be extremely helpful as these people may help hold you accountable to your goals and, in some cases, these people may even join your in your journey toward less drinking or sobriety. It is important that you are able to identify the things that trigger you or your loved one to use alcohol. Once these triggers are identified, you may have to cut certain events, people, and situations out of your life in order to make your physical health and sobriety a bigger priority.
If you are searching for help for an alcohol problem, there are a number of national and local resources that can help you or your loved one with whatever substance abuse problem that you are suffering from. Alcohol rehab can offer your loved one a number of services to help overcome substance abuse and learn the tools that are conducive with long-term sobriety. Becoming sober and permanently giving up alcohol will prevent further losses in brain function and nerve damage.
Addiction treatment, such as an intervention or medically-supervised detox at an inpatient treatment center, might be necessary to accomplish this. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe. And in some cases, deadly. It is important to take the proper steps to ensure one life-threatening condition is not swapped for another by quitting cold-turkey.
If you have an alcohol use disorder and a mental health problem , it is essential to seek help for both conditions. This ensures the effects of wet brain are mitigated to the extent that it is possible. Depending on the severity and stage of the condition, this could lead to a full recovery. However, it might only stop the syndrome from progressing even further. Either way, it will be an improvement over the devastating effects caused by untreated Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
Although, there are different types of alcoholics , alcoholic personalities, and tolerances. The health effects are the same especially long term. Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health. Table 2. Sacks, J. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 49 5 :e73—e79, Michael D. Kopelman, Allan D.
Thomson, Irene Guerrini, E. Martin, P. Alcohol Research and Health. Together, the conditions are called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a type of dementia or cognitive impairment caused by a deficiency of thiamine, or vitamin B1. Every tissue in the body requires thiamine to function. Instead, it is stored in the liver after consumption. Thiamine deficiency can be caused by other factors. But in affluent countries like the United States, it is most commonly attributed to alcohol abuse, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
Additional telltale signs can include:. They may also notice problems in their central nervous system and extremities, like hands and feet.
However, doctors may suspect thiamine deficiency or malnutrition based on physical appearance. Decreased red blood cell activity could be an indicator of thiamine deficiency. If the doctor is unaware of an existing alcohol problem, testing of the liver enzymes could help eliminate other possible causes of these symptoms.
The long-term effects of this disease can range from difficulty with personal interactions and injuries caused by loss of coordination to coma or even death.
Doctors will help patients identify a more well-rounded diet of vitamin B1. Additionally, vitamin supplements can be administered through oral medication or injections through the veins or muscles. The thiamine will help address problems of confusion or delirium, as well as vision and muscle coordination. However, additional medications may be needed to treat other symptoms. Brain damage cannot be reversed — only minimized in the future.
Some alcohol rehab programs include cognitive behavioral therapy. If someone will see improvement, it will typically happen within the first two years of diagnosis or treatment. Approximately 10 or 20 percent of people with Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome will not survive if the issue goes untreated.
The bad news is that recovery can take years; but the good news, which perhaps outweighs the bad news, is that the treatment for Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome is perhaps better than dementia treatment. Wet brain treatment may require alcohol abstinence, thiamine or magnesium supplements, and physical or occupational therapy. Treatment should be administered at a medical center or rehabilitation facility. The main way to prevent wet brain, obviously, is to avoid drinking alcohol frequently or in high doses.