By: Steve Shirley. Share this: Tweet. Notify of. Inline Feedbacks. They are unfairly judging others by what they eat, even though Jesus clearly declared all foods clean. If Jesus declared all foods clean, do we need any other authority to tell us differently? Today we have liberty to eat what we desire and our diets are not restricted by what God commanded the nation of Israel. We cannot pick and choose what we believe out of the Bible.
We must look at the context, to what verses were written to whom, and not judge others for what the Bible clearly shows they have liberty in.
Get newsletters and updates Close. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter and special offers. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter. Toggle navigation. Home About. August 21, by Jack Wellman. One of those changes involved changing what man may and may not eat. Without such a stipulation man may very possibly have become totally unrestrained in which animals he would include in his own diet?
At any rate, God created a category of CLEAN animals, animals whose bodies we could touch and prepare for our own food, once they had been put to death. It became inevitable that Jesus Christ would have to give His life as a sacrifice for our sins.
Becoming clean required actions. All the animals God had created were "very good", but only a few were placed in this category of also being "clean". God created the category of "clean animals" with the intention that this classification of clean and unclean would apply to DEAD animals, when we human beings might consider eating these animals. Additional instructions were also attached to these classifications don't eat clean animals that die by themselves, and don't eat their blood or their fat.
I am convinced that God's classification of clean and unclean animals was not at all some kind of an arbitrary process like: "Hmm I am convinced there are very specific reasons why God does not want us to eat unclean animals.
I am totally convinced that it would be detrimental for our health for us to eat any part of animals that are unclean. This is in addition to my conviction that knowingly and intentionally eating any part of an animal whose flesh God has pronounced "unclean" would amount to rebellion against God's rule over my life.
But let's take another look at all four words Consider the following analogy. You know the process. The word "repentance" means "to change the way we think", and as a result of our changed way of thinking we also often have to change many of the things we do. The word "conversion" refers to "receiving God's Holy Spirit", which changes our minds in dramatic ways.
Repentance is what WE have to do Conversion is what GOD does Without sin the need for repentance would never have arisen. Not identical, but a fairly clear parallel. Repentance and conversion are not the same thing; they are certainly not synonyms. But they are complementary processes. Repentance can take the process of change only so far; then conversion the receiving of God's Spirit becomes absolutely necessary to continue the process and take it to its intended conclusion.
Further, repentance is a prerequisite for the process of conversion, but conversion can only follow repentance, it does not precede repentance. And so conversion is obviously not a prerequisite for repentance. The two terms, repentance and conversion, have a very clearly established relationship to one another. Had human beings not sinned, THEN repentance would also not have been a prerequisite for conversion. Likewise, sin was the cause for the creation of the clean and unclean states.
Prior to sin there was no such thing as "unclean". If we either ingest i. In a ritualistic way this is not applicable today. The creation of some things being holy, while everything else is not holy is something we neither have any control over, nor is it something we have any input into.
God decided what is holy and what is not holy. Likewise, the giving of God's Spirit i. However, we do have guidelines and promises as to how God will go about giving His Spirit to people Acts ; etc. Then God spoke these instructions to Aaron. The priesthood was to teach the people "the difference" literally "the separation" between the things GOD had made holy and those things God had not made holy, the "common" things, though not really what we in English mean by "UNHOLY".
The priesthood was also to teach the difference between "the unclean and the clean"; i. To drink strong drink or wine before going into the tabernacle to appear before God was to become "unclean" or contaminated. Several times in His dealings with Israel during their wanderings in the desert God referred to Israel as "an holy people". Anything God has separated for a special use in a positive sense is "holy".
Even though they were not going to have access to the Holy Spirit, ancient Israel had still been selected by God for a specific purpose, and that made them "an holy people". When the expression "the holy people" is used in a prophetic sense, then it refers to those who are or will be the true Church, those who have received God's Holy Spirit.
Thus the following verses are all about the Church of God. Daniel AV. And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of THE HOLY PEOPLE, all these things shall be finished.
Daniel AV Perhaps one of the clearer Scriptures, that shows that the holy state is something God determines without human input, is Jeremiah It is this setting apart by God for a specific job that bestowed on Jeremiah the status of being "holy". Here God is castigating the ministry i.
First of all the ministry does not show and teach respect for the things that God has set apart, that God has "made holy". The "Sabbaths" specifically fall into this category. In addition to that the ministry is also slated by God for making no distinction between those who have really repented are clean and have therefore been converted by the receiving of God's Spirit made holy When they go to counsel a person who has requested baptism, the ministers can't even tell the difference between one person who is really repentant and another person who is not repentant What do you expect from a ministry that cannot discern between a really repentant attitude and a worldly repentance?
And some of them became ministers, who would go out and baptize MORE unrepentant people, and so forth. This lack of real spiritual discernment on the part of the ministry is one of the root causes of the current problems the Church is plagued by.
It would also be in order to define "koinos" as "profane", i. They refer to something that has been cleansed. This indiscriminate way of translating these two Greek words does the following: First of all it creates unnecessary confusion about these concepts. How do you distinguish between clean and unclean? That which is holy is to take precedent over that which is common, or unholy. We are growing in our discernment so that we can better distinguish what is clean and unclean.
Israel had forsaken holiness. Be one who is so consumed by the Holy Spirit that those things that are unclean are distasteful. Your email address will not be published.
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