By logging in, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Are you still there? Quest LabCorp. Description Complete Blood Count CBC With Differential and Platelets A CBC is a comprehensive screening test that can help diagnose a wide range of illnesses and diseases, including anemia, leukemia, bleeding disorders, and infections.
Iron deficiency will lower the RBC count. MCH is the amount of hemoglobin per blood cell, and a normal range is 24 to 29 pg. WBC stands for white blood cells, and indicates the total number of white blood cells in the blood. A White blood cell normal range is 4. Neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils are all types of white blood cells. Their absolute counts should be:. A CBC with differential is also known as a blood differential test, white blood differential count, or leukocyte differential count.
It may be performed as part of a CBC test or as a follow-up to a CBC test that reveals you have an abnormally high white blood cell count. While a CBC test measures the total number of red blood cells erythrocytes , white blood cells leukocytes , platelets, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, a CBC with differential goes one step further to identify and count the number of each type of white blood cell in your blood.
Humans have five different types of white blood cells in their blood. These are the neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes T cells and B cells. A CBC with differential checks if there are any abnormalities in any of the white blood cells. Certain medical disorders can cause your bone marrow to produce abnormal counts of white blood cells.
Increased number of neutrophils : Your bone marrow may make a higher number of neutrophils if you have a bacterial infection or are experiencing acute stress or trauma. Increased number of eosinophils : Allergies can cause an increased number of neutrophils. Also, if you have Addison disease, collagen vascular disease, parasitic infection, or cancer, you may have increased eosinophil production.
Hemoglobin Hb or Hgb : The test is done with a blood sample. A needle is used to draw blood from a vein in your arm or hand. Having a blood test with a needle carries some risks.
These include bleeding, infection, bruising, and feeling lightheaded. When the needle pricks your arm or hand, you may feel a slight sting or pain. Afterward, the site may be sore. Certain medicines might affect your results, so talk with your healthcare provider about the medicines you are taking.
You don't need to prepare for this test. Be sure your healthcare provider knows about all medicines, herbs, vitamins, and supplements you are taking. This includes medicines that don't need a prescription and any illicit drugs you may use.
Search Encyclopedia. Complete Blood Count with Differential Does this test have other names? The test gets a lot of information from your blood sample: The number and types of white blood cells WBCs. Why do I need this test? These may be symptoms of anemia. There are five major types of white blood cells. A CBC test measures the total number of white cells in your blood.
A test called a CBC with differential also measures the number of each type of these white blood cells Platelets , which help your blood to clot and stop bleeding Hemoglobin , a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs and to the rest of your body Hematocrit , a measurement of how much of your blood is made up of red blood A complete blood count may also include measurements of chemicals and other substances in your blood.
Other names for a complete blood count: CBC, full blood count, blood cell count. What is it used for? Why do I need a complete blood count? In addition, the test may be used to: Diagnose a blood disease, infection, immune system and disorder , or other medical conditions Keep track of an existing blood disorder.
What happens during a complete blood count? Will I need to do anything to prepare for the test? Are there any risks to the test? What do the results mean?