Specify a security key number. MSS checks this against the shutdown security key specified when you shut down the region. You need to specify a security key number only if you choose Logon in External Shutdown. Check this to have MSS reload programs each time they are invoked.
This applies only to programs that are not marked resident and have not been loaded with the hold attribute. Check this to indicate that this is a development SIT. The effect of this is:. If you leave the box unchecked the default MSS does not wait on each SEND, thus enabling terminal control and send operations to be buffered, which improves performance.
The size is in the range 0 through Choose the number of PCT groups whose loading you want to defer. If you choose None, all PCT entries are loaded into memory when the region starts up. This is the default. If you choose All groups, none of the PCT entries are loaded into memory when the region starts up. If you choose one of the other values, Last 63 groups, Last 62 groups and so on, the PCT entries in those groups are not loaded into memory when the region starts up.
For example, if you choose Last 3 groups, the last three groups in the startup list's precedence order are not loaded into memory when the region starts up.
Check this to indicate that MSS should produce a dump if an abend occurs in any of your transaction programs. Check this to indicate that MSS should produce a dump if an abend occurs in its own code. Check this to indicate that trace records are to be written to a file. You should do this only if you have adequate disk space available, since the file can become very big very quickly.
Writing out to a file also degrades performance. Check this to indicate that the auxiliary trace and dump file is to be deleted at region startup.
Choose a setting to apply to all the trace points:. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its dump control component. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its terminal control component. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its table management component. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace the user exits. Do not check this unless advised by Micro Focus. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its messages component.
Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its journal control component. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its storage control component. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its interval control component. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace program management functions. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its file control component.
Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its task control component. Check this to indicate that MSS is to trace its communications component. Specify a Fileshare server ID for non-recoverable temporary storage queues. Specify the path for non-recoverable temporary storage queues. Transaction Threshold The maximum length of time in seconds that a transaction can run before a message is logged to the console to indicate that it has exceeded its threshold.
A value of 0 indicates that there is no threshold. A value of 0 zero means that no local trace table is allocated. Each service execution process has its own local trace table. Each entry is 24 bytes long. If you specify a value here it overrides that value. Local Trace Entry Count AUX The number of entries the local trace table for auxiliary processes can hold before it wraps back to the start.
Auxiliary processes include processes that handle journal control, extra-partition transient data, and so on. Each auxiliary process has its own local trace table. Aux Trace Check this to indicate that trace records are to be written to a file. You should do this only if you have adequate disk space available, since the file can become very big very quickly. Writing out to a file also degrades performance.
Fileshare Fileshare Integrated Check this to create a dedicated Fileshare server process as part of region startup. Can be up to 20 characters. You should specify a user ID only if Fileshare security is enabled. If you specify a user ID, you must also specify a password in Password. The user ID and password combination must correspond to an entry in the password file of each Fileshare server the region is to access.
See Security in the Fileshare Guide chapter of your product Help. There are two password fields; you need to enter the password in both fields, and the two entries must match. Shutdown External Shutdown The type of external shutdown that you want. An external shutdown is a shutdown of the server initiated by you clicking Shutdown on the Control page, Stop Server on the Enterprise Server Administration Server Details page, or by issuing a casstop command.
You can choose from: Allowed No special privileges are required. Logon A successful logon must be made first. None No external shutdown is allowed. Summary of changes. Chapter 1. Command-level application programming. General format. Restrictions for distributed program link DPL. API command syntax. Chapter 2. SPI command syntax.
Chapter 3. Resource definition online Chapter 5. Chapter 6. FEPI system programming. Chapter 7. CICS-value data areas used by all commands. CVDAs and numeric values in alphabetic sequence. CVDAs and numeric values in numeric sequence. Copyright IBM Corp. Chapter 8. RESP values and conditions. Chapter DFH messages. Message Identifiers. Format of information. MVS user abend codes.
Transaction abend codes. VTAM-associated errors. System sense codes received Action flag settings and default actions. VTAM submodule identifiers. Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used.
Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document.
The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore this statement may not apply to you.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will.
Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: i the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs including this one and ii the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact IBM United Kingdom Laboratories, MP, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England, SO21 2JN. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee.
Programming interface information This book is intended to help you refer quickly to CICS system administration and operating information. General-use programming interfaces allow the customer to write programs that obtain the services of CICS.
General-use Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information is identified where it occurs, by an introductory statement to a chapter or section. Product-sensitive programming interfaces allow the customer installation to perform tasks such as diagnosing, modifying, monitoring, repairing, tailoring, or tuning of CICS.
Use of such interfaces creates dependencies on the detailed design or implementation of the IBM software product. Product-sensitive programming interfaces should be used only for these specialized purposes.
Because of their dependencies on detailed design and implementation, it is to be expected that programs written to such interfaces may need to be changed in order to run with new product releases or versions, or as a result of service. Product-sensitive Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information is identified where it occurs, by an introductory statement to a chapter or section.
Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information is identified where it occurs, by an introductory statement to a chapter or section. What this handbook is about This book helps you refer quickly to topics you are already familiar with. It provides a summary of information contained elsewhere in the CICS library. What you need to know to understand this handbook You need to have a good understanding of how CICS works. This assumes familiarity with most, if not all, of the books in the CICS library, together with adequate practical experience of running a CICS system.
Chapter 2, SPI command syntax on page 91 Gives a summary of command-level system programming commands. Chapter 4, Resource definition online on page Gives a summary of the syntax for resource definition online. Chapter 6, Front End Programming Interface command reference on page Gives a summary of the syntax for front end programming interface command references. Gives information about EIB response and function codes. Chapter 11, DFH messages on page Gives a summary of the terminal error messages and codes.
Chapter 17, VTAM submodule identifiers on page Gives information about the product-sensitive product interface. Determining if a publication is current IBM regularly updates its publications with new and changed information. When first published, both hardcopy and BookManager softcopy versions of a publication are usually in step. However, due to the time required to print and distribute hardcopy books, the BookManager version is more likely to have had last-minute changes made to it before publication.
Subsequent updates will probably be available in softcopy before they are available in hardcopy. This means that at any time from the availability of a release, softcopy versions should be regarded as the most up-to-date. Each reissue of the collection kit is indicated by an updated order number suffix the -xx part. The collection kit is also clearly dated on the cover. Updates to the softcopy are clearly marked by revision codes usually a character to the left of the changes.
Tables of CVDA values are now shown in hexadecimal and decimal format. Front end programming interface FEPI commands have been added.
Command-level application programming This chapter contains General-use Programming Interface information. For multiple segment commands, options are repeated for each segment. Restrictions for distributed program link DPL The following commands are not supported in a program running in a resource region in response to a distributed program link command: Table 1.
STATE cvda. Menus are provided wherever the transaction name appears on its own in the syntax descriptions on the pages that follow. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Value 61 62 19 22 21 72 82 83 84 66 Value 67 56 46 43 24 25 Value 31 23 5 48 12 Value 85 94 45 1 73 Value 8 6 54 76 Value 68 32 49 55 Value 42 53 1 40 57 44 9 Value 36 30 15 78 38 96 26 18 20 74 79 Value 86 87 35 88 29 Value 70 4 89 7 90 Value 91 92 93