What was aaliyahs name in queen of the damned

It was cut as a part of the overall de-emphasis of the Ancients. In the final cut of the film, the Ancients are more in the background, and simply serve as allies of Maharet and Marius.

In this scene we are introduced to Pandora, Armand, Mael, Khayman and Maharet as they first approach Marius next to the Hollywood sign, and we are given some insight into their relationships with each other. In this scene we hear a line that was used in the trailers, Khayman says "Akasha takes pleasure in only one thing: Destroying life.

Despite the fact that the filmmakers loved every second of Akasha's original dance as well as her closing words to Lestat, this scene was trimmed to heighten tension. In this scene Akasha speaks the famous line which was used in the trailers, "Lestat. Come out, come out, wherever you are. Mansion, Jesse Talks with Lestat, Extended Flying Sequence" - The filmmakers felt the dialogue between Jesse and Lestat was unnecessarily long, and tightened it considerably by cutting out a part where Jesse tells Lestat about her dreams.

However, they regret trimming the flying sequence, as it establishes a suitably romantic mood. After their conversation, Jesse writes a farewell note, and goes to the concert. The scene where Jesse first meets up with Maharet now plays after the concert. After Jesse writes the note she goes out into a desert highway and hitches a ride with some friendly goths on their way to Lestat's concert.

As the Ancients watch the partying concert-goers, Khayman notes "Akasha will not be able to resist this. User reviews Review. Top review. If you read the books, avoid this movie. I should have known when I heard Anne Rice left the project that the movie would disappoint me. I couldn't have predicted that years after it's release just thinking about the movie still makes me angry. The novels are amazing, and while I understand much gets lost in the translation to screen, this movie was a great big middle finger to her original work.

I hope one day someone tries again, the right way, starting with The Vampire Lestat. They change the roles and looks of major and minor characters alike for no good reason.

They destroy Lestat's history. The acting of the Queen is exaggerated to the point of comedy, but I just can't bring myself to laugh.

The charm and allure of the novels just isn't there. The movie is a bad excuse to cram as many musicians and "dark" imagery as possible into one movie, hoping the teeny Goths of America would lap it up.

Part of the appeal of the first movie, of Louis' story, is that he is caught between his humanity and his curse. I think we got the music right — these musical numbers that Lestat was going to perform at the concert and in videos. All that music had to be conceptualized to be part of the story. Michael had never done an effects movie before, so it was hard. Di Bonaventura: It went very well. Rymer: Melbourne — pretty much ever since the days of Nick Cave, when he lived in Melbourne — has been very goth.

One might even argue that Melbourne invented it. We were in a quarry 20 kilometers from Melbourne. I think we had about 5, It was fantastic. Saralegui: When you were walking around onstage in between shots, you really felt like you were on the stage at a concert. It was a spectacle. And Stuart is supposed to lip-sync along with us while the band is playing along with the tracks. He would go up there, turn his back to the band and to me, and stare out a window.

Not once did he stand at the microphone and lip-sync a single word. I was starting to really hate Stuart Townsend. He fucking killed it. He had all the rock-star moves down. It was actually very smart of him to surprise everybody. Moreau: The whole shoot was very hard technically. I had these knobs on my head that I called my little buttons.

Aaliyah on-set interview, : It takes, I would say, about an hour and a half for all the hair and the makeup, putting on the costume, the whole nine yards — the eyes, the teeth, everything.

We tried the blond hair on Stuart. He hated it. Moreau: The best part was just hanging with Lena Olin. Push, push! Gibbs: Aaliyah was very sweet — the first person on set, the last to leave. Zero diva bullshit. Dungey: I remember being in Melbourne on set and seeing Aaliyah all dressed up as the queen and conveying this really terrifying and commanding presence.

And then Michael called cut and she broke character and was just so lovely and charming and warm. Saralegui: She had come with an entourage that included her family, but she kind of stayed in her own bubble during the production in Melbourne. She was completely professional. Rymer: Aaliyah was quite a homebody. She threw a party for the crew, but then she left early from the party. Moreau: I have snatches of memory of us going out dancing.

What I wore out dancing and what she wore out dancing was like the difference between Hot Topic and Armani. She has such a generous heart and spirit. Come hang out! We were exactly halfway through the shoot, because they threw a half-wrap party at some club in Melbourne. I love Korn. Would you guys write a song for me? Davis: I never got to meet her. I wish I could have. Gibbs: We finished the shoot.

John and I were really excited. Aaliyah, who plays a 6, year-old Egyptian vampire named Akasha in "The Queen of the Damned," had all but finished her role when she died in a plane crash in the Bahamas. But partly because Aaliyah plays her role with an Egyptian accent, some dialogue touchup was required for some of the lines that she recorded to make them clearer for the audience.

Rashad, her older brother, speaks in the same smooth, serene tones as his sister and so, according to a representative of the family, he re-recorded a small number of words and stray lines of Aaliyah's dialogue. The process for casting Lestat was similarly difficult, as the role was originally offered to Tom Cruise , who had played Lestat in Interview With The Vampire , but he declined. Oddly, despite it being part of the same series and world, no actors from Interview With The Vampire were used, even in archive footage.

One of the biggest stars rumored to be stepping into the role was Halle Berry ; at the time, she had just finished X-Men and ended up starring in Monster's Ball in , for which she won the Oscar for Best Actress.

Jada Pinkett Smith wasn't attached to many major projects after Scream 2 in , but landed the role of Niobe in The Matrix Reloaded , which began filming in Vivica A.

Jenna Dewan was rumored as well, and while this movie could have started the young actress' career, she ended up getting her break in Take the Lead. Vanessa Williams and Samantha Mumba were also rumored as potentials for the role, but ultimately, Aaliyah was chosen, and Queen of the Damned was much better for it.


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