It is easy to build a list around swarming your opponent with a lot of cheap and dangerous troops. Another way to think of this faction is as glass cannons. They hit hard but when hit they crumble. It will be important to pick the battles on the field so that you can control the flow of battle in your favor. Debuffing is a strong theme in the spell lists. There are several commons spells that will decrease ARM or DEF of models so that your weaker models will hit as hard as other factions elite models.
A lot of the casters in this faction like to sit in the back and cast spells through any of the plentiful and cheap arch nodes available to them. There are several that enjoy getting into the mix as well, but when they do, they want to make sure that everything is in place so that they can get the job done with little risk to themselves.
Retribution of Scyra Ret are the angry elves of this story. They have access to common grunt troops in the House guard as well as more elate ones like the Dawnguard and Mage hunters. They also have a few ways to manipulate the board. The Mage hunter in Ret. Some of the warjacks in this faction come with a force field, which helps protect them.
The field must be fully damaged before damage is applied to the jacks grid. These jacks can also use allocated focus to repair this field as well. Well this is mostly because of the mechanics of running these two factions. Here is why:. Mercs is really a collection three different types of armies: Human caster based ones, Rhulic caster based, and Cephalex passed ones.
Rhulic casters can only use warjacks that are classified as Rhulic in the battle group.. They do not have the option to use any of the other style of warjacks in their battlegroups. The rest of the army can be interchanged between these two types of caster groups, but the need to have two separate groups of warjacks just to run all of the casters for your army can be a little frustrating when you are first starting out. One of the reasons I like Mercs for a second faction is because you have already picked up some Mercs for your first faction to run them alongside each other.
All you will have to do is pick up a warcaster you like and a few jacks to run alongside it and you have the start of your new faction of soldiers for pay. It makes the transition a bit easier to do. Now Cephalex. In order to play any of the units, solos, or casters labeled as Cephalex you need to run them in a theme force. This will change and control how you build your army. This will not help you learn the basics of list building.
This is a skill that will help you in the long run of playing this game. Like the issues with the other types of Merc casters, they require certain warjacks. In this case their warjacks are called Monstrosities. They also have a fully different set of rules to remember. Monstrosities have different rules when it comes to focus use and do not benefit from Power Up. That is a topic for a whole other post. If you want to find out more about them in the meantime, rules for Monstrosities and the theme force can be found in Prime including the one that comes in the battle boxes.
Convergence runs into a lot of the same issues as Cephalex. Among the troops you will find druids wielding the powers of the very elements of the nature, merciless hunter tribes of the Tharn, or the de-facto military arm of the Circle in form of the Wolf-Sworn units. An honorable but brutal nation of warriors marching into the Iron Kingdoms with conquest on their minds, supported by torturous blood magic and armed with angry pachyderms. Skorne are seemingly the slowest, tankiest army in Hordes.
However, with outstanding support tools at their disposal they can make their lumbering warbeasts to run forward from downtown and with the strength buffs available they will hit like a freight train. They have several "retaliation" effects, allowing them to take a hit and strike back afterwards. For this reason they excel at "attrition melee", wherein the longer you fight them, the more they gain the upper hand -- partially through their tankiness, partially due to their special rules.
For the infantry you can choose between the venerable Immortals, the elite rank of hulking Cataphracts and the legion-like Praetorian warriors, or lowest rank Venators who primarily wield less honourable ranged weapons.
Skorne have five huge bases one warlock, two battle engines, and two gargantuans and it is common to find lists that use two or even three at a time.
Everblight is one of the dragons spawned millenia ago by the Dragonfather Toruk. Everblight was never the strongest but has proven himself the most cunning, and the most adept at controlling his blight.
His physical body was destroyed centuries ago by an elven army, but instead of regenerating it as normal he has managed to spread his athanc through hundreds if not thousands of his blighted followers, controlling their every action. Everblight has now amassed a Legion of blighted creatures and twisted dragonspawn and uses them to further his own aims: to consume the athancs of his brother dragons and thus become powerful enough to challenge the dragonfather Toruk directly.
Most of the Legion's warbeasts can navigate terrain with frightening ease and are bound to do so in order to make an alpha-strike. They must avoid protracted combat, and to help that they sport outstanding mobility tricks beside their innate abilities. Infantries can be summoned from capable elven fighters, twisted Grotesque herds or brutally effective, wild ogrun tribes.
If you look for a fast army of twisted dragon creatures, and a bias toward hit-and-run warfare, look no further. Legion has several character warbeasts, all of which feature heavily in competitive play. Minions are auxiliary troops that most of Horde factions have access to. Pure Minion armies can be fielded using monstrous Gatormen and pig-like Farrow. Farrow, along with bigger pigs, can be fielded in the Thornfall Alliance, led by Lord Carver and the sinister Dr Arkadius.
Both sub-factions play hard and fast, with a strong but limited selection of warbeasts and some of the best Lesser Warlocks around. As of , all other Hordes main factions Trollbloods, Circle, Skorne, and Legion have access to a theme which allows for heavy access to Minion models.
This makes Minions, especially Farrow, a good stepping top between Hordes factions. The Convergence is a minor warmachine faction. Cyriss is the goddess of science and mathematics, also known as the Maiden of Gears. Inhabiting a celestial realm far from Caen, Cyriss was recently discovered by human scientists.
These scientists formed the Convergence of Cyriss, a cult dedicated to changing the very planet so that eventually Cyriss can be summoned to inhabit Caen itself and bring in an eternal age of perfection. Most followers of the Convergence seek to transcend human flesh and live on as a soul inside a machine body, a clockwork vessel. Their infantry are almost all Living Constructs, clockwork soldiers who house a once-human soul.
The Infernal invasion has revealed some substantial backstory about the nature of Cyriss. Namely, that Cyriss is actually a sentient galaxy on the other side of the universe. A number of human refugees from the Convergence, Cryx, and Cygnar fled through a portal created from the mechanical body of an ascended Nemo.
They arrived at this galaxy years before Privateer Press's sci-fi miniatures game, Warcaster Neo-Mechanika, and are the ancestors of the human factions in that game this is also why there's no elves in space. The Crucible Guard is the military wing of the Order of the Golden Crucible, the largest and most respected alchemy guild in Immoren. The alchemists of this ancient and venerable society used to reside in Llael before Khador invaded.
After the loss of their key fortress they had to flee into the Kingdom of Ord, furthering their operation under this - seemingly neutral - state's aegis. They use alchemical drugs to give a normal human arcane powers Much like Cygnar, the Order is pretty adept at ranged warfare.
Being the masters of the arcane sciences, they rely mainly on fire and corrosion-based attacks, while robbing away the enemy's protection against said weapons.
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Home Page Find a local club Patreon. They also have some ways of quickly moving troops around the board, such as teleportation stones. Circle beasts fall into two categories, fast and deadly living or slow and tough constructs.
Their infantry focuses on speed and accuracy over heavy armour and firepower. Circle are considered a "high skill" faction by many people, as many units fall into the "glass cannon" category. Amazingly effective when used well, but if unsupported, they die very quickly. If you like ranged firepower and high tech weapons, Cygnar is the faction for you.
Also, if you like putting your fingers in electric sockets and have a picture of Nikola Tesla on your wall…. Cygnar troops are a mix of Gritty World War I style ground pounding infantry, pistol wielding trenchcoat wearing Gun Mages, medieval knights and dudes wearing electrical power armour. That sounds like an odd mix but it does work.
Just think of technology as another form of magic and its fine. Cygnar jacks tend to be quite mobile and moderately armoured. Their best traits are usually high tech kit, like massive guns or electrical projectors. You can play a Cygnar army full of melee troops, but it would be non-typical.
Your firepower should be used to whittle down the opponent and snipe out the key targets.