Ak47 how does it work

This action ignites the bullet primer which, in turn, ignites the gunpowder to fire the bullet. The gas that propels the bullet forward also pushes back on the bolt carrier assembly, ejecting the empty casing. This action also resets the hammer into firing position.

The bolt pulls a new round up from the magazine and inserts it into the barrel. The sear keeps the bolt hammer in place until the bolt carrier returns into position. There are an estimated 75 to million AKs worldwide and, in some countries, one can be purchased for under. Russia has large stockpiles of the weapon, but no longer manufactures it. There are, however, 20 countries that still do, including China.

It also requires relatively little maintenance. This stems from its large gas piston and wide clearances between moving parts, which help to prevent it from jamming. And I hear American soldiers in Iraq use it quite often. The hostage-takers who stormed the Olympic Village in Munich in were armed with Kalashnikovs, and mass shooters in the U. The U. With a service life of 20 to 40 years, AKs are easily relocated and repurposed. The huge worldwide production of the weapon, particularly in countries with low labor costs, has driven prices downward.

Kalashnikov died a national hero in at the age of Throughout most of his life, Kalashnikov rebuffed attempts to saddle him with guilt over the vast number of killings and injuries inflicted with his invention.

He insisted that he had developed it for defense, not offense. It is the politicians who are to blame for failing to come to an agreement and resorting to violence. Yet in the final year of his life, Kalashnikov may have experienced a change of heart. The AK is the deadliest weapon ever built, on the whole. Its kill count even tops nuclear weapons in sheer numbers. But the first AKs were very heavy and weren't really built for aiming. Kalashnikov wanted to develop a compact weapon that still delivered firepower within meters that could bring a blaze of bullets with ammunition light enough that soldiers could carry a lot of it.

A real Kalashnikov is surprisingly difficult to fire for a standard infantry weapon, but it was still very easily produced and easily used. Everyone will still refer to it as an AK or simply "AK" -- because it sounds cool. The weapon uses a 7. They shatter bones, tear through organs and liquefy other materials as the round tumbles through the body -- often in ways that cannot be repaired.

When the M16 rifle was first introduced in the Vietnam War, it had a number of issues. There were so many problems that American troops were killed in combat simply because they couldn't shoot back. Even after the kinks were worked out, a dirty M16 was and is much less likely to operate than a dirty AK When the AK was first introduced, it was such a great weapon that the Red Army actually hid it from the world. The U. Not that the American military would buy its standard-issue rifle from its main geopolitical foe and potential World War III adversary anyway.

These days, the U. Special operations forces from all branches might have to pick up an enemy AK at some point because of the nature of their work -- sometimes help isn't coming.

The rifle was designed to be carried, maintained and fired by anyone in the area who happened to need its services. And if you need a weapon like the AK, you need to be able to use it fast, whether you're a professional soldier or a poorly trained conscript.

The worldwide availability and durability of the AK also makes it an attractive weapon for terrorists, militias and other illegal paramilitary organizations. Whether they're trying to take over a military base in frozen tundra or overthrowing a government in Sub-Saharan Africa, the AK works really well in every environment, is always available usually at a steep discount and will still work even if it falls into water, mud, sand or some other muck.

The average lifespan of a terrorist in a gunfight isn't very long, so that rifle is likely going to hit the ground, and someone is going to need it to work when they pick it up. The terrorist group is definitely going to need a cheap replacement.


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