Can you dig it deutsche übersetzung

Boy, this is a groovy party Hey, how you doin'? Man, I can dig it. Yeah, brother, solid, right on. What's happenin'? Hey, man, what's happening? Everything is everything. Then the past comes alive, or, more accurately, it is revealed for what it has always been - a part of the present.. Social media is what really drives me.

Digging up the possibilities the internet offers for effective communication.. Besides good writing that works online, I also count on the use of AV material to help bring stories and topics to life — and make them understandable.. Digging a hole and the walls are caving in Behind me air s getting thin but I m trying I m breat. Setting aside spectacular headlines , this film aims to dig deeper by having us hear the voices and see the faces of women whom history has pitted against one another — women who have each lost someone dear to them..

In their own words, three Jewish and three Arab women bare witness to their lives and the fact of their beloved who continue to live in their dreams.. Da wir das Konzept von Anfang an darauf ausgelegt haben, sowohl eine Fernsehsendung als auch ein Spiel zu sein, haben wir viel Raum zum Erkunden gelassen..

Dadurch heben wir Blogs hervor, die uns und die Community in der Woche am meisten bewegt haben, oder diejenigen, die die meisten Kommentare oder ein tolles Feedback erhalten haben..

On the following Tuesday we had some intention to continue to the next camp ground.. Just call us or send us an email. We don t expect you to dig through all of our web pages , and you don t have to learn the FAQs by heart , either : - Here are the email addresses and phone extensions to all of our departments at Thomann.

Yield strength, tensile strength or hardness — whatever we call it, we know that this is the property that keeps the structure in shape without being plastically deformed.. Let us show you how Hardox is tested before it digs into the ground.. The bridge gives me the opportunity to train even by rain- and snowfall.

Two years ago I had the wish to offer the same possibilities to passionate Bikers which do not have the means to build their own tracks.. The "Backyarddigger-Tour" was born and is since than successfully organised by Red Bull.. We are using the following form field to detect spammers. Please do leave them untouched. Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam.

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Hallo Welt. EN DE. In beiden Sprachrichtungen suchen Sprachrichtung wechseln. Mein Suchverlauf Meine Favoriten. In deinem Browser ist Javascript deaktiviert. Wenn du es aktivierst, kannst du den Vokabeltrainer und weitere Funktionen nutzen. Mein Suchverlauf Meine Favoriten. In deinem Browser ist Javascript deaktiviert. Wenn du es aktivierst, kannst du den Vokabeltrainer und weitere Funktionen nutzen.

Englisch » Deutsch. Nomen II. Intransitives Verb III. Transitives Verb dig in I. Intransitives Verb II. Goldgraben nt. Grabung f. Ausgrabung f. Erdarbeiten pl. Puff m ugs. Schupf m ugs. Verbtabelle anzeigen. I've got a stone in my shoe and it's digging into my foot.

Wendungen: to dig deeper. Wendungen: to dig [ up ] the dirt about [ or on ] sb. Ein Beispiel aus dem Internet. Wendungen: to have to dig deep into one's pocket. In the seventh or eighth semester, students generally study at a foreign partner university or work abroad in a museum, art collection or archaeological dig , or at an organization for the conservation of cultural heritage. Semester ist die Bachelor Thesis im Umfang von 12 Credits zu absolvieren.

The creations of the last years of the artist Judit Villiger Meteorites made of porcelain, artificial gardens or simulated archaeological digs — works by the artist Judit Villiger play with ingenious deceptions, pitfalls into which the viewer willingly strays.

Her artistic universe is full of parallel worlds, enigmatically rampant plants, taxidermic specimens and puzzling phenomena. Cantankerous and bearded? Based on the most recent scientific findings from ongoing archaeological digs , the exhibition sheds light on the geographical expansion of the Vikings, their family life, settlements, lives and deaths, cult customs, and the famous conquest and trade journeys of this Nordic people. The result is a lively and above all up-to-date picture of the Vikings.

This was made possible thanks to the archaeological digs of the Deutsche Orientgesselschaft German Oriental Society , and above all the businessman James Simon. Neutor , Vienna, Austria Construction work was accompanied by sophisticated archaeological digs. Archaeological digs in Heidelberg and environs, especially after the 2nd world war, led to a significant growth of the stock. Noble donations of Heidelberger citizens for example like the collection Posselt expanded the stock of collections.

A structure is built from start to finish in order to obtain, following experiments and observations, a set of conclusive results. Counterculture Knowledge Forensic digs , encyclopedic glossary, cybernetic control: the Anthropocene wants to know! With the natural sciences and humanities, aesthetic experience and artistic research embracing nearly everything, the Anthropocene seems to be a great deal about knowledge and understanding.


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